Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is the other .1% of germs and bacteria common hand soaps can't kill?

Almost every single soap I have seen say that they kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria, but whats being left out? It's bothered me for quite a while now.What is the other .1% of germs and bacteria common hand soaps can't kill?
the bacteria that have already come in contact with the antibacterial soap, and due to a random genetic mutation, are immune to the soap.What is the other .1% of germs and bacteria common hand soaps can't kill?
I think your question is good, it has always bothered me aswell when I buy detergents, soaps or disenfectant and it says it will only kills 99.9% germs...Why not the other 1%....
Good question.. and why haven't the scientists thought of this yet... I mean... why should us consumers buy soap that only kills 99.9% of germs. We have higher standards!!!
That is a good question. I have never thought about it but now I can not stop thinking about it..HAHA! I hope you get some good answers on here.
those sneaky little buggers under your nails.
Finally !!!: An interesting question
You mean to tell me that .1 % has as you say bothered you!

Who needs to get a Life!!!??
Because no one can claim that any anti bacterial is 100 %

effective. No soap is 100 % perfect, even Ivory says it

99.9% pure. Not 100, but only 99.9.

No proof.
The protien shell does not break down under normal conditions. Staff is known to be resistant and ultra violet radiation is used.

The micro world is unsafe sex heaven: microbs commonly transfer packets of dna/rna in colonies. So traits are transmitted to un'related' germs. 1 messed up dominant gene is the cause of the kink in the end of most cheetahs tails.

PS. Atlanta CDC ws called on me! due to bacteria anomally. Go figure.

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