Monday, July 26, 2010

When a soap bar silp out of our hand while taking bath,why does it goes to similar corner evertime?

my bath don't have corners so i cant help youWhen a soap bar silp out of our hand while taking bath,why does it goes to similar corner evertime?
tub on a slope, don't drop the soapWhen a soap bar silp out of our hand while taking bath,why does it goes to similar corner evertime?
It will go to the low point of your tub or shower stall.
Since the constituents of a soap(I am not going into details) are such that the surface tension of the water is reduced. Hence, the soap becomes slippery. All bathrooms have slope down towards the water outlet as water flows from a higher level to a lower level. This slippery soap follows the same path and since water outlets are always situated at corners, the soap move towards the corner.

You must have noticed that your soap always moves towards the water outlet.
because your bathtub must be on a slope... not to mention when u take a shower u face the same way and hold the soap in the same hand everytime.
maybe because you are using the same tub, try some other tubs and see if you get the same result, if you do maybe you can make a movie about the mystery of the soap drop, there is movies about everything else why not that!
The same reson the water always follows the same circular route on the way down the plug hole.

Our physics are creepy, what can I say?

P.S. Don't drop the soap...
Actually, it seems that whatever the physical explanation is, the true reason is that the soap surely obeys Murphy laws.

The general formula for a Murphy laws is: if anything might go wrong it will go wrong:)
Mine always goes towards the drain; I would assume it's a combination of gravity and the suction of water down the drain.

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