Friday, August 20, 2010

How can i get rid of the smell of onions off my hands....... a good liquid soap or any tips please?

try gettin a lemon, cuttin it in half, squeezin the juice out of it and then using the skin (from the inside, the fleshy part) to rub over your hands, with a little salt, that'll make your hands smooth and theyll smell of lemon..

...hope me helped..How can i get rid of the smell of onions off my hands....... a good liquid soap or any tips please?
stainless steel takes the smell away, usually wiping your hands on the tap will workHow can i get rid of the smell of onions off my hands....... a good liquid soap or any tips please?
lemon juice. if not then some washing up liquid and COLD water. hot water only activates the smell...
This REALLY works!! Cut a raw potato in half and rub the inside part all over your hands. Then was with any norml hand soap. Works like a charm...
Use pure lemon juice to rinse your hands as soon after handling onions as you can. I use it all the time and it works.
rub half a lemon on your fingers. the acid takes the smell away.
rub a cut lemon - or lime - on your hands
rubbing half a lemon on your hands.

It also works if u have handled fresh fish too.
You know them big round stainless steel spoons well rub your hands on the round bit it was on tv
just use dishsoap
try rubbing your hands round a stainless steel surface like a sink. i don't know why but it really works!
Squeeze half a lemon onto your hands rub and rinse using normal liquid soap and lukewarm water!!!!!!!!!!!
liquid laundry detergent
yah stainless steel work rub with sink or any thing you feel comfortable and they sas potatoe cut it and rub it to hands and yes some green apple smelly soap is good.

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