Monday, August 23, 2010

If I wash my hands with an antibactieral soap is it safe to put my hands in my fish-tank .?

Yes. Just make sure you rinse thoroughly and dry your hands before placing them in your tank. It's NOT OK to use instant hand sanitizer without washing it off before putting your hands in your tank.If I wash my hands with an antibactieral soap is it safe to put my hands in my fish-tank .?
It doesn't matter what kind of soap you use; the important thing is to rinse your hands very, very thoroughly with plain fresh water.

Even small amounts of any kind of soap can kill your fish.If I wash my hands with an antibactieral soap is it safe to put my hands in my fish-tank .?
If I were you, I would wash my hands with antibacterial soap and rinse them for a few minutes just to make sure there's no soap residue on your hands. Good luck and take care of those fish! ;)
as along as you rinse your hand thoroughly and you took off all the soap if you dont then your fish could die
I think your best off washing with JUST water before you put your hands in.

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