Friday, August 20, 2010

In Fight Club when Tyler is making soap, he bits and pours a chemical over Norton's hand, burning it badly...

what is the chemical that he uses to cause the burning and scar?In Fight Club when Tyler is making soap, he bits and pours a chemical over Norton's hand, burning it badly...
It was Lye that caused him to burn and scar.

He used vinegar to neutralize the Lye, and made it stop burning.In Fight Club when Tyler is making soap, he bits and pours a chemical over Norton's hand, burning it badly...
It's lye reacting with the fat in human skin.

Then he pours vinegar on it to neutralize it.
I think a solid form of sulfuric acid鈥?/a>
If he was making soap, the chemical was probably lye. It is caustic, and burns skin on contact.
He pours lye on his hand to burn it.
i think it was vinegar

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