Monday, August 23, 2010

What is the best kind of soap to use to get the cigarette smell off of my hands?

Whoa that top contributer totally ripped you a new one. Okay AS a smoker myself, try lava's got pummice in it so it kinda scrubs you down a bit more that normal soap.

Also, not to be judgemental, you could smoke some higher class cigs. I smoke camels (have for 8 years) and I have no stinky hand problems.

Moreover...double check your posture when you smoke. Make sure that the smoke isn't directly hitting your hand too much when your puffin away.What is the best kind of soap to use to get the cigarette smell off of my hands?
There really is nothing that will take it off as it gets into your skin and under your fingernails etc. Knowing what it does to your hands now imagine what your mouth and breath are like. Remember kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.What is the best kind of soap to use to get the cigarette smell off of my hands?
Believe me it works, use dish wash liquid. you wont go wrong, try it now.
I jut quit after 19 years (when you're ready, get The EasyWay to Quit Smoking, by Allen Carr). That said, I used to always use vanilla scented soap, and kept plenty of mouthwash handy. I think it helped with the stink some. Also, try not to smoke in your car - the smoke doesn't circulate right and gets ll over your hands and clothes.
How about clorox??? Or soak your hands in baking soda..... Not much takes the stench of smoke out!!!!
You should use an all-natural soap with coffee in it. That's what fishermen and hunters use to get rid of bad odors.

Good luck!

Debbie Helbing

Celestial Soap Co.

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